For all detailed information such as date, place, price, etc., you need to be a member of Svenska Jaktklubben and be logged in.
Do you want access to hunting, slaughterhouse, hunting calendar etc. for the whole year and become one of us in the Swedish Hunting Club? Apply for membership at the link below.
We offer wild boar hunting on our 1,800 acres of land.
A prerequisite for an ethically correct hunt is the availability of good apporters. If you do not have your own dog to cope with the task, we make sure that experienced handlers with appliing/marking dogs are on site.
You are offered memorable hunting and fishing experiences in scenic Dalarna.We have about 5,000 hectares distributed in two areas. Well collected Bergslagsjakt, with fine hunting of badger, a well-kept moose, wild boar and deer tribe and lovely woodland bird fields. Day card/hunter/day. (No trap fee) Felled game accrues to the hunter.
We offer fallow deer hunting on our 1,800 acres of land.
A prerequisite for an ethically correct hunt is the availability of good apporters. If you do not have your own dog to cope with the task, we make sure that experienced handlers with appliing/marking dogs are on site.
You are offered memorable hunting and fishing experiences in scenic Dalarna.We have about 5,000 hectares distributed in two areas. Well collected Bergslagsjakt, with fine hunting of badger, a well-kept moose, wild boar and deer tribe and lovely woodland bird fields. Day card/hunter/day. (No trap fee) Felled game accrues to the hunter.
You are offered memorable hunting and fishing experiences in scenic Dalarna.We have about 5,000 hectares distributed in two areas. Well collected Bergslagsjakt, with fine hunting of badger, a well-kept moose, wild boar and deer tribe and lovely woodland bird fields. Day card/hunter/day. (No trap fee) Felled game accrues to the hunter.
Our hunting enclosure, which covers about 110 hectares, offers hunting for wild boar, red deer and mouflon sheep.
There are overnight options for those who want to come and hunt with us.
Hunting is mainly conducted as stealth, watch, or pressure hunting. Paddling or stray dogs may not be present in the enclosure without the permission of the hunting organiser.
The birds now find their food in the trees, and we ski slowly forward through the forest. The caper's favorite is pine needles, while the perch prefers birch buds.
A quiet and exciting form of hunting for capercaillie and orre. The dog searches for the bird while we move slowly through the forest. We start early in the morning at one of many orr games that can be found on the grounds.
You are offered memorable hunting and fishing experiences in scenic Dalarna.We have about 5,000 hectares distributed in two areas. Well collected Bergslagsjakt, with fine hunting of badger, a well-kept moose, wild boar and deer tribe and lovely woodland bird fields. Day card/hunter/day. (No trap fee) Felled game accrues to the hunter.
Here we hunt on 2,000 hectares with good access to the five species of red deer, fallow deer, deer, mouflon and wild boar. Hunting ethics, safety and respect for the wild are put first. We strive to offer an efficient and well-planned hunt for a pleasant hunting experience and a family and friendly atmosphere.
Arrangement: Pressure hunting, 20-25 participants/hunt, of which about 10 are helpers.
Here we hunt on 2,000 hectares with good access to the five species of red deer, fallow deer, deer, mouflon and wild boar. Hunting ethics, safety and respect for the wild are put first. We strive to offer an efficient and well-planned hunt for a pleasant hunting experience and a family and friendly atmosphere.
Arrangement: Pressure hunting, 20-25 participants/hunt, of which about 10 are helpers.
Wild-rich lands for their own hunting of deer, wild boar and fallow deer.
The lands are in nature reserves and very good to let your own dogs on with long to busy roads.
Extensive game management occurs year-round with feeding and adapted forestry for a large game tribe.
Lots of hunting towers and good passes.