


Vi erbjuder drevjakt på våra marker på 1 800 hektar.

Den 5 till 6 oktober 2024, med ankomst den 4 oktober, finns det möjlighet till drevjakt i närheten av Gamleby. Boendet är inkluderat i priset.

Vi jagar i två dagar (lördag och söndag), med ankomst fredag eftermiddag/kväll.


Boendet är inkluderat i priset.
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Självhushåll förutom “stora” middagen lördag kväll som är inkluderad i priset. Ta med jaktradio, 155 Mhz. Medtag statligt jaktkort. Avgift för städ på 150 kr/person tillkommer på plats. Skjuts kultingförande sugga - dryga böter och Jaktarrangören behåller hela viltet. Kött kan köpas på plats.


Hunting fee:
3 750 kr/jägare
Trap Fee:
Fällavgift tillkommer och avser hela djuret. Dovhjort: Kalv 1 000kr, Smaldjur 2 500 kr, Hind 2 500 kr, Spets 3 000 kr, Större än Spets 5 000 kr. Rådjur: Kid 500 kr, Smaldjur 800 kr, Get 1 000 kr, Spets 1 200 kr, 4-taggare 1 500 kr, 6-taggare 3 500 kr, Vildsvin: 32 kr/kg urtagen.

Contact details

0737-05 88 66

Other hunts

Moose hunting Jämtland

We offer a flexible opportunity to participate as a member of the hunting team entirely according to your conditions.
You choose how many days you want to hunt according to what suits you best.

The hunting ground is about 1500 hectares in Offerdal with good moose availability.
We will hunt 1-2 sows a day with stray dogs and pass shooters.
Allocation of 1 adult and 4 elk calves and any trophy goes to the shooter.
We hunt with 1-3 stray dogs in each sow and break for a joint lunch between the sows.
You either hunt as a pass shooter in a hunting tower with magical Jämtland views or if you have a moose dog and want to go as a dog handler with your own dog.

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Drive Hunting for Wild Boars

Welcome to a day's drive hunt for Wild Boars with well-credentialed dogs on our lands.

A large part of the lands are located in the Fegen Nature Reserve. There are plenty of hunting towers and many good passes.

There is room for 6 guest hunters. Three sows are hunted during the day.

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Top Hunting

The birds now find their food in the trees, and we ski slowly forward through the forest. The caper's favorite is pine needles, while the perch prefers birch buds.

The prize includes:

  • 1 capelin and one perch per person
  • Hunting guide, max 3 hunters per guide
  • Skis, winter camouflage
  • Weapons and Ammunition
  • All meals incl drinks (not alcohol)
  • Accommodation at Orsa Hornberga Gård
  • Arrival the night before hunting and departure on the last day of the hunt
  • Transportation during the hunt

The price does not include:

  • Transport from/to Nordic Footprints
  • Clothing and other personal equipment
  • Hunting insurance
  • State hunting license
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